Since established in 1971 in Indonesia, Japfa has grown by leaps and bounds with over 38,000 employees across an integrated network of modern farming, processing and distribution facilities in Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Japfa specializes in producing quality protein staples (poultry, beef, swine & aquaculture) and packaged food that nourish millions of people worldwide.
Established since 1996, until now we have had more than 5000 employees.
We are producing animal feed, farming, and supplying safe and quality source of food for the market.
With the population of almost 100 million people, Vietnam is a key market with many potential domestic and export market.
To be the leading dependable provider of affordable protein foods in emerging Asia by building on the foundation of our excellent teamwork and proven experience for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Central to our Corporate Culture & Responsibility is the nurturing of sustainable, growth orientated relationships based on trust and integrity. Growing Towards Mutual Prosperity is the vision which we practice and uphold with Japfa's various stakeholder groups.
Japfa Vietnam have constantly expanded the network of activities from North to South with a system of feed mills, farms, hatcheries, meat shops, etc.
Feed Mills stretching from North to South
Japfa Best shops
Farms nationwide